Sunday 24 January 2010

1865 Fantasy Life: Avatar and Babylon 5

Friday January 22nd 2010 became supreme fantasy day with a visit to see Avator and the lines drawn in Babylon 5. I was well prepared for the film and managed to get to the first showing of the day at 12.40 Cineworld Bolden where my seat voucher was accepted plus £1.80 for the 3D and 80p for the special glasses which one can keep. On my first visit to contemporary 3D after decades passing since the use of hand held cardboard with a red and green lenses I had paid the additional fees at the Dome Odeon in London and the glasses had to be handed back. There was also a significant improvement in the process as the screen size did not altar and the depth of viewing and the proximity to projectiles was significantly better. I was therefore greatly impressed with the 3D process.

The film was also publicised as the new benchmark for creating lifelike colourful and movement animation. The film lives up to expectation and is worth the ticket money for the combined experience. But what of Avatar as a film? Lasting two and half hour you are projected into a different world, actually onto a different planet and a conventional story of anti US militarism, colonialism and international corporation capitalism versus environmentalism and nature. Only the bankers were absent although greedy shareholders were not.

The concept was brilliant. A government supported with the latest weaponry mining corporation was moving over a planet stealing essential minerals by force of arms and exterminating the natives if they proved unwilling to get out of the way, but like the USA did to native Americans, the Brits to Africa and Asia, Australians to the aborigines, the Spanish to middle and Latin America, the Romans to Europe and the Middle East, China is doing now. The Russians and Germans were more ideological wanting totalitarian domination as well as economic wealth, as were the Catholics and the Muslims. And as with all conquering and exploiting races you begin with offering colourful beads and education. The brilliant part was create a creature with the same physical characteristics as the natives, a blue skinned lithe humanoid with a mane and tail and of great agility in terms of climbing and crossing the narrowest of pathways suspended at fantastical heights, but controlled by a human being who experienced everything that happened while encased in a communications pod within the breathable confines of the space station. The atmosphere on the planet is such that without breathing apparatus you not survive within a few minutes.

Sigourney Weaver is the Chief Scientist heading the contact project who before the film story commences had failed in an attempt to persuade the people to cooperate with the exploitation and semi destruction of their planet by through her own Avatar making contact and living with one of the tribes and learning each other’s languages. The tribes are primitive in wearing the briefest of clothing for functional purposes and film audiences, and use bows and arrow for hunting and protection from hostile creatures with whom they share the planet. However they are sophisticated in their understanding of nature and its interconnectivity. They have a unique ability to bond with creatures, such as a form of horses and a prehistoric type of bird. They are also able to connect with each other and their ancestors through a special kind of tree and they have respect for all life so that when they kill a creature for food or in self defence they and give thanks and mourn the passing. I was reminded by the work of James Burke and his book Connections.

The enterprise is run by a weak chief executive which is unlikely, and the worst kind of redneck general which is again unlikely, and the weaponry which includes large robotic vehicles for individuals and the helicopters and gun craft are all heavy metalled and cumbersome which is again unlikely. The story line is laboured and predictable and the script is basic. Some of the action sequences were self indulgent attempts to show what the latest film technological advances can do.

Jake Sully, played by Sam Worthington, is a loyal American serviceman who has lost the use of his legs in a campaign and comes out to the planet to replace his twin brother who had been trained to use the Avatar already in preparation. He has no difficulty in accepting the request to keep the General constantly updated with intelligence about the tribe to which he becomes attached and he also quickly gains the confidence of the science director. His first trip into the new world nearly ends quickly in disaster but he is rescued by the daughter of the head of the tribe after he appears to have a special connection with the environment and about which she is anxious to report to her parents. Her brother and the man she is expected to mate are hostile to the new arrival especially when the mother who is a kind of spiritual mentor assigns her daughter to educate the Jake Avator in their ways. He provides the kind of entree which the science director and the military have been seeking and both give him considerable leeway during a three month period to persuade the tribe to move to a different area as the corporation wants to mine the minerals which happen to be located under their homeland a giant tree within which they live. In order not to be under the daily control of the military and the corporation executives Sigourney moves the control centre for herself and Jake onto one of the floating mountains which is another of cinematic tricks in the film. Understandably working on daily basis in such proximity with the daughter of the tribal leader they become attracted and as is often the position of those who work undercover with a group or cult for any length of time the begins to identify with their comrades vales and objectives rather than retaining those of their employers or their own culture.

The situation comes to a head when the corporation starts to move onto the tribes immediate homeland without notice when their plea to be allowed to persuade the tribe to move is agreed but quickly fails, the General moves in to destroy the tree and then when the tribe supported by others resists, the General gets permission to bomb them and their home land especially the sacred tree of their ancestors. There is then a dramatic encounter between the highly organised and equipped military forces and the guerrilla forces led by the Avator who has admitted his original purpose and been ostracised until he manages to bond and harness the greatest bird in the sky as a symbol that he has the will and the ability to help them combat the corporation. There is then a battle of skill and wits in which the tribe are supported by creatures previously their enemies. When Sigourney is fatally wounded there is an attempt to transfer her psyche into the Avatar to make it an independent functioning member of the society but she is too weak although her being is incorporated into the tree. After they have successfully beaten the earth force in battle and driven back to their dying planet Jake successfully transmute from his disabled body in a fully functioning member of the tribe as the consort of the leader’s daughter.

The film has been long in the making with an initial script outline in 1994 and planning for production in 1999 but held back when the Director James Cameron of Titanic realised the technology was not yet available to realise the project as conceived, The film having reputedly cost half a billion dollars to produce and already raised a one billion presently running second to his previous epic Titanic. Two sequels are already planned with the usual spin offs of books, toys, including computer games DVD’s special Director’s editions and so on. Others will also seek ways to use the new technology and Sky has announced it is bringing 3D to TV.

Babylon 5 reached the point in the whole series when the two demarcations lines are drawn: Dust to Dust. Exogenesis, Message from Earth, Point of No Return, and Severed Dreams are episodes 6 to 10 of the third season. Dust to dust is a divertissement with a purpose. The Dust in question is similar to manufactured Promicin of the 4400, in this instance to create telepathic powers. The head Psi Corps investigator comes to Babylon aware that a large quantity of the drug is being traded and requires the help of the Commander. Sheridan who agrees but enlists the help of Minbari telepaths to bloc the agent‘s use of his power during the investigation. What is not discovered is that the shipment has been ordered by G’Kar and he uses a sample on Londo to establish his role in the recent war. He also has a revelation about the future following the intervention of Ambassador Kosh. Finding about Londo’s role leads him to physically assault the Narn Ambassador which leads to his confinement for two months. With the help of Security Chief Garibaldi Psi Corps are able to stop the transaction and recover the Dust and where outside the main action the audience learns Psi Corp had developed as part of its bid to gain power within the Earth Alliance. This is not the first time that audience is provided with information which the Babylon management team is yet to learn.

A second divertissement is Exogenesis in which the main story concerns an ancient civilization of beings, the Vindrizi whose primary functions is become personal recordings of all the information that has gone before. Their physical form is small so they inhabit willing hosts to travel the universe and on Babylon have offered a future to members of the underclass, and as in the 4400 not everyone is a suitable host.

In order to assess the suitability of someone appointed to the senior command, Ivanova, invites him to her quarters for a get to know you session suitability to become a member of the Conspiracy of Light. He is unsure of the nature of the invitation and brings some flowers which he pretends he found. Ivanova decides that he should not be invited into the Conspiracy and that the flowers were bought by Marcus who has been trying to date her.

In Messages from Earth, Marcus who has become the senior Ranger brings a member for the former Interplanetary Expeditions to explain that when working on Mars a space craft was uncovered which was of a construction that had not been seen before. From her description it is evident this was a Shadows Craft and that a few days later another arrived and both ships disappeared. She and the tam were ordered by Earth to keep what happened secret and since then the other members of the team has met their deaths and she was under constant threat. Now another vessel has been uncovered and earth force plans for a human to merge into the craft and then use it. Sheridan takes the Whitestar, the Minbari donated craft, to try and prevent Earth from making use of the Shadow Craft. Unfortunately they arrived just as the Earth pilot attempts to gain control but he is has not been adequately prepared and loses control of the craft which becomes unstable but still ale to destroy the base where it was located and to pursue the Whitestar. It is only a clever manoeuvre which prevents their destruction and which causes the destruction of the Shadow enemy. However before they can escape they encounter an earth ship which orders them to surrender and they have to make another speculative manoeuvre to get back to the Space Station. The episode includes a scene which marks growing intimacy in the relationship between Delenn and Sheridan. He speak of his childhood and as a young man studying who found rain on the roof as a way of getting to sleep when he was tense and before one important examination his father had got a hose to create the effect of rain on the roof.

Back on the space station the Nightwatch are being prepared for developments ahead and members asked to report anything suspicious about anyone whatever their position on the station. The absence of Sheridan from the station for several days is noted.

In Point of No Return the Earth Government announces a state of emergency and that Nightwatch is to take control of the security on Babylon 5 and that only vetted members of Nightwatch can become Members, thus posing a challenge for Garibaldi and some of the others although the majority sign on despite Garibaldi’s pleas and he is deposed and his deputy placed in charge. When Sheridan is ordered to comply, his superior puts it in terms which enables the Commander to work out that as the Order came via the political office, it was unconstitutional and with the help of G’Kar and his Narns they capture the Nightwatch Security, disarm and hold them in custody, knowing that they only have a matter of days before those on Earth regularise the position and give Sheridan a legitimate order and raise further issues about his loyalty to the new order.

General Hague announces his opposition and has commenced a counter coup with some support of other Earth space ships. The Senators barricade themselves after being abolished calling in the population to act as a human shield As a second story London who is tormented by his dreams has invited a wife of the former head of the Centauri on a visit to the station and she immediately wants to know his real purpose. He admit that he wants her to use her special powers to foresee his future. She agrees to do this at the end of the visit. She pleases Londo by saying that she does foresee him becoming the head of state, but she then shocks him and his former assistant Vir, even more so, by adding that he too will also become head of state with one following the other after the first has died. Prior to this Vir had returned to Babylon 5 on a visit from his special posting to Minbari. He is seeking Londo’s advice on his factually accurate report on the cultural and educations standards of the Minbari. The moral of the people and there general state. London wants Vir to fundamentally change the report because it is not what the new leadership would want to hear. After the news of Vir’s future he becomes suspicious and hostile towards his former assistant and friend. Vir is bemused by the prediction that he will become the Emperor

In the last episode of the week, there is open revolt against the new Earth Dictatorship among the colonial outposts and by General Hague and a small contingent of space fighting craft. After a battle between the forces, the General’s ship comes to Babylon for repairs, announcing that the General has died in the battle. The Earth Force has began to bomb Mars who are refusing to accept the orders of the new regime.

Coinciding with the developing crisis Delenn is informed that the Shadows are on the move and enlisting support from non aligned races and returns to the Minbar to speak to the ruling Grey Council of which she was a member for over a decade. They refuse to give her a hearing so she insists. Meanwhile Earth has sent a force to apprehend the General’s ship and take command of the Space Station. Sheridan debates what to do and consults his father back on Earth who tells him to follow his conscience and while not starting any conflict to make sure he is the one to finish. The station with the help of the General’s ship and its defence force repels the attack, but just when they breathe a sigh of relief, a further Earth battle group arrives and as Sheridan realises they have failed and will have to surrender, Delenn arrives with four Minbari fighting ships advises the Earth force to withdraw, reminding them that only one Commander managed to defeat a Minbari ship in the war, and that he was Commander Sheridan. They wisely withdraw.
The Commander announces that the station has become Independent of Earth and will allows anyone who wishes to leave to do so, including Nightwatch supporters. The Commander explains why the action ahs been taken and thus the battle lines for the future have been drawn

On earth in the reality of today, the Home Office has announced the second highest rate of alertness, which means a Terrorist attack is likely. The highest level is when an attack is known to be imminent. Fact frequently follows fantasy.

Thursday 7 January 2010

1854 Babylon 5 season 2 climaxes and Myspace Friends

The news on Wednesday January 7th 2010 is of snowfalls and in Hampshire drivers had to spend the night in their vehicles, or walk some distance to places of more warmer safety. In the affected areas everyone is being advised to stay at home unless there is an emergency. Thousands of schools have been closed as well as airports as the nation grinds to a halt. The weather is forecast to continue for at least a week. Then at mid day there was a political bombshell which damaged the Labour Party more than the Prime Minister.

I return to Babylon 5 Catch up with episode 32 of the second series after the war begins between the Narns and Centauri, caused by Londo Mollari with the use of the Shadows. But who is using who?

In ‘Gropos‘, Dr Franklin’s father arrives at the space station in command of an earth force of 25000 en route for a campaign on the Planet, Akdor. Relationships between father and son have been stained since the son understood the nature of his father’s occupation and father is disappointed by the lack of ambition and chosen profession of his son.

As Commander Sheridan had been to Akdor he was able to advise the General of military conditions there, warning that the operation would not prove as easy as Earth Command suggested. Garibaldi has a passionate relationship with one of the Ground Pounders foot soldiers the ‘Gropos’ whose presence on the station creates problems, as soldiers preparing for battle, some for death or life long injury, always do. The episode concentrates on the importance of parents and children resolving relationships before there is no opportunity to do so. The ‘Gropos’ who Garibaldi befriend dies in combat. The episode is of significance because the number of causalities, especially civilian casualties of all ages, reaches billions in wars to come. It shows the impact of war on individuals.

‘All Alone at Night’- episode 33 is used to describe the position of the space station mentioned at the commencement of every episode. Commander Sheridan is captured while investigating the attack on Merchant ships in the area of his Command. Once on board the mystery attack vessel he is probed, tortured and made to fight combats to the death with other captors. Working out that those behind the capture are trying to find out the individual strengths of the different species, he joins forces with his opponent to escape. The Chairman of the Earth Joint Chief of Staffs arrives at he station with a battle ship to help his friend.

Meanwhile Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari is summoned to the Grey Council, the ruling organisation, where she finds she has been replaced by a member of the Warrior caste thus altering the balance of interests and approach of the Council. She is effectively banished to continue her role on the space station but role she will lose her powers and influence held back on the Home Planet. Fortunately she already has her private resources.

Delenn intercepts a message which confirms who Sheriden’s captors are, an advanced alien race , and she leads the Chief of Staff to where she believes the attack vessel is stationed. Sheridan escapes as the rescue arrives. Back on the Space Station the Chief of Staff confides his misgiving about the death of the previous President, Santiago. and that it was plot by the man replacing him aided by the Psi Corps. Sheridan joins in the attempt to try and prove the former President was assassinated and the Psi Corps are part of the conspiracy to take power and change the policies and way of government of Earth. Sheridan is able to bring his closest colleagues, his deputy, Garibaldi and the good Doctor into his confidence and they agree to support the investigation and evidence gathering. On his return to the station Sheridan is approached by Ambassador Kosh who offers to establish personal communication.

Episode 34 is something of a digression as the second in command Ivanova is assigned to negotiate a trade and peace treaty with the Lumati who require a sexual relationship to complete the negotiations, she works out a novel way of satisfying the request to the bemusement of the Lumati who insists that next time they will do it his way. The main focus of Acts of Sacrifice is the Narn Centauri war, I say Narn Centauri, because the Narns were left with no alternative but to declare war following the Centauri Ambassador’s Londo created attack on their largest colony. The Narns are losing the war and Sheridan struggles to persuade the earth to intervene to support the rescuing of civilian life. Although she lacks the previous power and control over resources, Delenn suggests a plan on how they both can help to ensure the surviving civilians are taken to places of safety. Ambassador G’Kar who hoped Earth would openly assist, accepts the offer, understanding that the Commander and the Ambassador are sticking out their necks and helping the most they can. He knows that without direct help his people are at risk of being overrun by the Centauri once more.

Episode 35 ‘Hunter Prey’ returns to the assassination of the previous President of the Earth planet and colonies, as Earth Government sends a senior security agent to apprehend the former doctor to the new President who has taken refuge and made contact with Dr Franklin. The doctor has a record of the medical examination just before the Vice President absented himself from the trip with the previous President because of ill heath, yet the examination gave him a clean bill of health. In order to try and avoid discovery the physician goes deeper into station’s lower levels where the criminals and other members of the station sub culture inhabit and is captured for bounty. He is rescued and then the problem is to avoid discovery as the Earth Intelligence team want the station scanned by the latest technology. Sheridan devises a plan with the help of Ambassador Kosh which enables the scan to take place and fail to identify the whereabouts of the doctor. They also reclaim the recorded evidence of the medical examination. The episode is also important because Kosh of the Vorlons has said that the reason why he has contacted Sheridan is to help him become ready to fight the ‘legends‘, referring to the re-emergence of the Shadows.

In Episode 36 ‘There all Honour lies’ the sub story divertissement is the opening of a souvenir stall at the base and where dolls depicting Londo cause a minor diplomatic incident and leads to the experiment ending much to the delight of deputy Ivanova who has been put in charge of the Earth initiative.

The main story is that Sheridan is framed for the death of a Minbari and is only exonerated with the help of the assistant to Ambassador Delenn who is of the same caste as the perpetrator. The real reason for the frame is not the past role of Sheridan in the war with the Minbari but the role of transformed Delenn. The warrior cast cannot forgive the surrender to humans when they were at the point of victory and the decision of Delenn to make herself more human affronts their honour and fallen comrades. It is not clear to me why the knowledge of soul migration into human beings has to be kept secret from the military leaders or the population generally.

Kosh insists on Sheridan going into the lower levels where he meets a hooded figure who provides an experience of beauty which affects him in a positive and fundamental way. Meanwhile Londo had been developing his relationship with his assistant Vir who has doubts about his importance and is on the verge of being replaced.
Episode 38 ‘And Now for A Word’ is in the form of a news documentary as an earth TV station is given fly on the wall opportunity to spend 36 hours on Babylon 5. The success and future of the space station is in question as the Centauri-Narn war rages. The station plunges into a crisis situation as the Narn’s correctly claim that the Centauri are using the Babylon to ferry war material using civilian trading vessels. The Centauri object to any interference and both sides sends cruisers threaten each other and the space station. The weapons are important and will be used in a subsequent episode.

Public support on earth for Babylon 5 is falling as the public fear the role of the station will result in earth becoming involved in the war. The Commander has to use all his experience and skill to maintain neutrality while insisting that the Centauri do not use the station as a cover for their war. The Narn and Centauri fighting craft are then destroyed but Babylon 5 remains unscathed. The visiting News team concludes its report that the station is a dangerous place and will continue to be the centre of conflict and controversy.

These episodes are a build up towards ‘In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum’ 39 in which the role of Mr Morden is identified as a link to Shadows, but not directly to the role of Londo Mollari in causing the war. The Commander discovers that the man was the only person to survive the “accident” in which his wife was killed, and uses his authority to apprehend and bully the individual into revealing what he knows, against all Protocols and the advice of his deputy and Security chief who nevertheless sympathise with his predicament. His position becomes more difficult when Mollari via Vir demands the release of the man who has their diplomatic immunity and who then protest to Earth, who in turn order the man to be released. Surprisingly Delenn also intervenes urging the Commander to release the man on the grounds that everyone is not ready to cope with an open attack from the Shadows. The Commander uses technology which reveals the presence of the Shadows in the cell with the prisoner. He is released.

The history of the war between the Shadows and other races including the ‘First Ones’ is described. The Vorlons are revealed as being one of the First Ones. The group concerned at the assassination of the previous Earth president and the role of the Psi corps is revealed as ‘the Nightwatch‘. As hinted at previously the relationship between Commander Sheridan and Ambassador Delenn becomes more socially intimate. The homeworld of the Shadows is called Z’ha’dum a reference to the a similar world in Tolkien’s Middle Earth Moria, an important and powerful ancient world now occupied by a great evil.

In episode 40 ‘Knives’ Londo begins to learn something of the price he is to pay for his ambition and unscrupulous dealing when a close friend and mentor comes to visit and reveals that he is under threat from the new power because he believes the new order is corrupt and dangerous. Londo tries to help his friend and friend’s family, putting his own position in question as the order to apprehended and prosecute the friend was given by none other than Lord Refa, the power behind the new leadership on Centauri Prime. The friend forces Londo to kill him in a ritualistic dual as a means to ensure his family is protected under the rules of the contest, thus Londo remain clear with the homeworld and the family are protected as otherwise they would have perished with its head.

An alien life form invades Sheridan’s body trying to get home which the Commander comes to recognise and facilitate. The episode reveals there is a dimension rift similar to that believed to explain the Bermuda Triangle where things go missing and where Babylon 4 disappeared, reappeared and then disappeared again.
Episode 41 Divided Loyalties is the relative calm before the storm and centres on the return of Lyta Alexander to the station. She was the original official Telepath member of Psi Corp but was replaced earlier (due, we subsequently learn in off screen information, to a contractual wrangle over the salary of the actor playing the character.) The purpose of the visit is to advise Sheridan that there is a Psi Corp agent working undercover. This is revealed to be Talia Winters after she attempts to kill Lyta. Talia works as a commercial Telepath and leaves the station and the series. Lyta, on the other hand is scheduled to reappear in future episodes. We also learn more about the background of the opposition of deputy commander Ivanova to the Psi Corp which until now related to what happened to her mother. It is revealed that she herself is a latent telepath.

This brings to what I regard as the most important and moving episode of the series todate ‘The Long Twilight Struggle‘. The main story concerns the Centauri Narn War in which the Centauri learn that the Narns are planning to commit their major space ship force on attacking their major supply base at Gorash 7. Lord Rafa asks Londo to contact his friends to arrange for them to wipe out the Narn force while he accompanies Londo to observe the Centauri attack on the Narn home world using illegal weapons which destroy large civilian populations as well as military installations. Both assaults are successful and the Narns are forced into a humiliating surrender in which their political leadership is to be arrested and tried for having initiated the war.

Londo demands the surrender of G’Kar the only remaining member of the former government at large. G’Kar has already requested sanctuary which Sheridan agrees, supported by Delenn, much to the anger of Londo. Sheridan goes further and pledges G’Kar his full support for the Narns to regain their freedom. G’Kar appears a broken man who warned the military command about the dangers of putting all their space eggs in one basket especially after he is given a report by Dr Franklin arising form the dying statement of someone admitted to his hospital that the Centauri had been finding out about the defences of the Narn home world as a matter of urgency. As G’Kar is required to leave the Council being stripped of his role as Ambassador he makes a Churchillian statement about the historical failure of dictators to suppress the will of people to be free, even if doing so takes a thousand years.

As a sub story Sheridan and Delenn are invited to return to the planet below the space station, Epsilon 3, where the former mentor of Delenn, Draal has become keeper of the great machine intelligence. He explains that he has learnt many things about the past and the future and about the character of Sheridan. He says he is now prepared to put the resources of the planet available to him to assist the Commander in the struggle to come. Returning to the station because of the Centauri assault on the Narn homeworld Sheridan is introduced to the Rangers who we learn have been under the command of Delenn, a force outside the control of the Minbari Grey Council and which includes peoples from different races, including a Vorlon. Pandora’s box has been opened. Now there is hope. This is not the end of the second series and will be covered later.

The penultimate review of Top Friends January 2101 commences with 0 and continues of the end of S, fittingly with Sophie Calle the latest and important addition to the for ever changing top 40 list at 622. There have been 114 departures. Next writing will bring to the 725 with three request waiting to be reviewed with episodes tomorrow and Friday. I will refer to these MySpace Friends on Friday evening for Saturday. For tomorrow there are the remaining My Space Friends and the great plot to replace the current Prime Minister which again appears to have failed as Cabinet Members, with six being mentioned, do not come out and say in public that they support the call for a secret ballot of the Common’s Members on whether Mr Brown should lead his Party into the next General Election. However their statements are luke warm and suggest than morning is happening behind the scenes as has been public.


463 Our Planet Added 2009

464 Osho Before May 2007 added

465 Okkupato February 2008 accepted

466 Oscar Wilde before May 2007 request

467 Obebes august 2007 accepted

468 Orson Wells autumn 2008 added

469 Ordinary Pop added 2009

470 Olga before May 2007 added Top list

Olga Greece former TF not at review 96

471 Original Jazz band autumn 2008

472 One World Hunger added 2009

Official autumn 2008 not at review 97

473 Opossum added 2009

474 Oscartdrawin added 2009


475 Pheonix added 2009

476 Psycho Bitch added 2009

477 Paulo Nutrini nov dec 2008

478 Pope John Before May 2007 added

479 PB Shelley Before May 2007 added

480 Paul Marturano summer 2008

481 Pearl and the Puppets nov dec 2008

482 Paul Oscher added 2009

483 Preservation Jazz band summer 2008

484 Peter Piek nov dec 2008

485 Paramahansa added 2009

486 Peter China summer 2008

Pedro Almodovar Before May added 97) Before May added 98)

487 Paxal nov dec 2008

488 Pete Waterman Before May 2007

Peter Jackson Before May 2007 added 99

489 Peter Michael 20July Accepted

490 Pimping Before May 2007 Accepted

Princess June 19th 2007 accepted 100

491 Peter Redenko added 2009

492 Pirate Radio Before May 2007 accepted

493 Powerage by April 2008

494 Paula Abdul Before summer 2007 added

President elect Obama autumn 2008 101

495 Presidents added 2009

496 Pablo Picasso added autumn 2007

497 Promotions Before May 2007 Accepted

498 Pedro Almodovar nov dec 2008

499 Paul L Martinr accepted mid 2007

500 Plato autumn 2008

501 Paul Gaugin nov dec 2008

502 Phillipe Alain autumn 2008

503 Platform 58 added 2009

504 Prince Charles Cinema summer 2009

505 Poppy Girl R.I.P summer 2008

506 Planet full of Blues added 2009

507 Planet Texxas added 2009

508 patmusic added 2009


509 Queen Jane Before august 2007 added

510 Quaker Peace centre Before May 2007 added

511 Quare before august 2007 accepted

512 Queenie and blue cats Before May 2007 added

513 Quantum Accepted autumn 2007

514 Quinn Daniels added 2009


515 REM nov dec 2008

516 Ruby James added

517 R Mutt new name 2007

518 Russell 20July 2007 Accepted top 40

519 Renoir autumn 2008

Renate July Accepted dep 102

Rachmaninov July 2007 added 103

520 Ritchie Havens before May 2007 added

521 Richard Gardner summer 2007

522 Rebecca Pidgeon added 2009

Ramsays 2007 -104

523 Remodernism spring 2008

524 Ritary Gagumenti nov dec 2008

525 Reax accepted August 2007

525 Rhei C before May 2007 accepted

526 Roman Pokomy autumn 2008

527 Rachel Street summer 2008

Rainmaker before May 2007 added 104

528 Ray Quinn February 2007 added

529 Robert Allen before May 2007 added

530 Rory Connor added 2009

531 Raphael before May 2007 added

532 Roy Orbison before Nay 2007 added

Rynn before may 2007 105

533 Rock the World added 2009

534 Ray Dexter accepted autumn 2007

535 RIP John accepted summer 2008

536 Richard Koechli added 2009

Remy Trom nov dec 2008 106

537 Ramin Djame nov dec 2008

538 Robert Altman before May

539 Rudolphe Raffalli added 2009

540 Robert Pant nov dec 2008

541 Rayne April 2008

Rip Tree nov dec 2008 107

542 Ricardo Ramirez added 2009

543 Reifenstahl 18.06 2007 Facebook


Sinister Jan Feb 2008 accepted Go by Apr 108

544 Steve Carson Band added 2009

545 Socialist Standard added 2009

546 Surianne before May 2007 request

547 Smeagol spring 2008

548 Simon White added 2009

549 Swirl Orb by April 2008

550 Susan Tedeschi added 2009

Sharon 2008 - 109

551 Sigmund Freud Before May 2007 added TF

552 Scarlett Black added

553 Samson and Winter 2008 accepted

554 Stuart 2008

555 Stina Nordenstm

556 Super Cozi added 2009

557 Sue Foley before May 2007 added

578 St Francis Before May 2007 added

579 Scott Raba added 2009

580 St Terresa before May 2007 added

581 Sorry Gilberto Before May 2007 accepted

582 Simone De B nov dec 2008

583 Section Five autumn 2007 accepted

584 Somewhere Before May 2007 accepted TF 40

585 Sharon Osborne added before May 2007

586 Soutine autumn 2008

587 System Lover by April 2008-04-09

588 Staggerle 19 2007 Accepted

589 Susan before May 2007 request

590 Siovenski nov dec 2008

591 Sting nov dec 2008

592 Sister Sophie Before May 2007 added TF 40

593 St Maximus before May 2007 added

594 Sammy Lee before May 2007 add

Semone Loss Before may 2007 110

595 Sergio Carlos before May 2007 Accepted was TF

596 Shelleys art nov dec 2008

597 So July 2007 Accepted 2008

Simon Cowell Before May 2007 added 111

598 Shaun Attwood 2008-11-21

599 Salvador Dali nov dec 2008

600 Spring Heeled July 2007 Accepted

601 Sean Wright July 2007 Accepted

602 Sea Witch 2008

603 Susan Vega nov dec 2008

604 Shades of Before May 2007 accepted

605 Stefano nov dec 2008#

606 Stephanie nov dec 2008

607 St Bernadette before May 2007 added

608 Serkin added 2009

609 Sobriquette added 2009

610 Selene Munoz added 2009

611 Savo Rego added 2008

Sean Guage 2008 112

612 Steve McCormick added 2009

613 Sophie Lorren autumn 2008

614 Standbite nov dec 2008

615 Southern Boy Music added 2009

616 Scene Junkie autumn 2008

Spinal me autumn 2207 added- 113

Sylvia Jan 08 accepted -114

617 Sysma nov dec 2008

618 Sakti added 2009

619 Santiago added 2009

620 Starving Artist nov dec 2008

621 Sarah Morton added 2009

622 Stefano added 2009

623 Sophie Calle added 2009 Top 40

Wednesday 6 January 2010

1853 The Snowfall, Babylon 5 and Myspace friends

The snow falls across the UK have been mild compared those in China, India and other parts of Europe although is expected to change with central and southern England having over a foot of snow in the next 24 hours. Here in the North East the fall is expected to be less but the winds will make it feel colder. The problem is that over recent years local government has restricted road gritting and the use of snow ploughs because the odd day here and there in the Winters did not justify the expenses of more employees or more machines standing idle for the great part of the year.

What of global warning? The two developments are not inconsistent. Britain has some of the most unpredictable weather in the world, affected by conditions over Northern Europe and across the Atlantic with only limited periods from southern Europe, which results in weather at times different to those always affected by one of the three regions. What can be expected is that over time there will be fewer of the prolonged cold spells and more of the hotter and drier summers in the UK. Because the variations and extremes cannot be predicted year upon year and will occur one or twice within a decade it is not financial sense to prepare on the basis that it is an annual event within a regular period of time.

I decided to go for a big shop today January and at one point had to switch the contents from the smaller trolley to the larger size in order to manage the purchases at the check out. I have filled the freezer and the food storage cupboards sufficiently to last several weeks without a further shop, except for fresh fruit, fresh milk. I also bought sufficient ink cartridges to keep me going for several weeks and various toiletries. I still need a hair cut and may going on walkabout before the week is out now that the children have returned to school to school.

I was able to catch up on Babylon 5 when I returned and over New Year was fortunately alerted to showings at 4 instead of the usual 6 or 7 depending on which channel and time preference. It is several weeks since last writing so I will begin with the second series and episode 23. Lt Commander Ivanova is temporarily in Charge, as Jeffrey Sinclair has been reassigned to the post as Ambassador to Minbari and his replacement is also a successful fighter in the war with Minbari John Sheridan. Whereas Sinclair was captured and used to find out the character strengths and weaknesses of their opponents and released when it was realised that Minbari souls were migrating into human kind, Sheridan is the most hated of the former human fighters. He is immediately faced with a major challenge where a Minbari fighter which went AWOL as the war ended appears and attempts engage in conflict just as its leaders has arrived at the space station and commits suicide. Fortunately Sheridan works out that the suicide and the attack are attempts for the earth led station to attack and destroy the former Minbari war craft and provoke another war. The ship is eventually destroyed by Minbari forces.

In Episode 24- Revelations the story sets the scene for much of what is to follow. G’Kar of the Narns who I originally miscast as the baddie finds himself attacked by the Shadows, the ancient race intent on destroying everyone and everything other than themselves, but when he warns his homeworld and the Babylon Council everyone is sceptical. When he persuades a space ship investigation, Londo Mollari overhears and realises that this could lead to discovery of the part the Shadows played in the recapture of the Narn colony, and his role and arranges for the Narn ship to be destroyed by Shadows in waiting.

Dr Franklin, who is to play a significant part in the second series, with the help of Sheridan finds a way to bring Garibaldi, the head of Security, out of his coma, so that the security chief is able to work that it was his assistant who attempted to kill him when he was on the point of finding out about a plot to kill the President. The assassin and all the records about the incident disappear when the new president insists the man is handed over to an earth bound vessel for further questioning without a trial on Babylon 5.

The episode also enables us to learn some of the background of the Commander who blames his dedication to duty for cancelling a get-to-gether with his wife who is then killed when her exploration craft blows up, allegedly in an accident. Sheridan’s sister arrives and is able to reassure the Commander that his wife had intended to also postpone their meeting because of the opportunity to participate on the exploration visit following a major discovery. She had a recording in which Sheridan’s wife speaks of her love for her husband even though he was so busy that he forgot to end their last conversation with their usual exchange of loving good wishes. Sheridan‘s decks are cleared to tackle his new challenge, or are they?

DeLenn the Minbari Ambassador has emerged from the Cocoon more human like than Minbari as part of fulfilling the prophecy of the coming closer of the Minbari and Human kind. However she has taken this step with the approval of the special council, the Grey council of nine of which she is an important Member and where she turned down the opportunity to become head of state.

In Episode 25 a previously unknown race called the Technomages visit the Space station en route to the outer rim of the explored universe, saying they are getting away from the violence to come. They tell Mollari that they are aware of billions of voices crying out his name. Mollari, a deluded egotist assumes they have become his followers but is told, Your Victims.
Within the station the population of Drazi divide themselves into two groups one Green and one purple in order to fight for supremacy in a once a decade activity. When they start to kill each other, Sheridan assigns his deputy to resolve the problem without further disruption and she has to take the Green Leaders badge of office when she is kidnapped and ends the pointless but harmful engagement. Garibaldi recovers from his ordeal and returns to duty.

In Episode 26 - A Distant Star, a space ship commander friend of Sheridan returns for their long exploration to the outer rim for supplies and tells of their experience with a strange craft. No sooner does the Exploration ship leave does it run into trouble with the risk of being lost for ever in deep space. Sheridan works out a way to bring the ship back for repairs but only at the expense of the loss of a fighter who is attacked by the vessel seen by Exploration ship previously. This is a Shadows’ craft.

DeLenn faces increasing hostility from the Minbari at the Space Station and she agrees to relay their concerns to her home planet leadership. In celebration of his survival Garibaldi has arrange fro the ingredients of special dish, Bagna cauda to be sent to the space station. This is an authentic Italian dish which Sheridan shares with his security chief to mark the satisfactory end of the episode. There are to be few good moments in the time to come.

Episode 27, The Long Dark- a 100 year old exploration craft arrives at the station bringing with it a deadly creature able to shape shift. This creature is different from the subsequent Shadows but is seen by some as a test trial for the enemy yet to emerge. The episode paves the way for 28 -A Spider in the Web. The episode raises several issues of subsequent relevance especially development of a human with extraordinary fighting powers later to be used in the 4400 series as the special black ops unit.

There are indications that the Psi Corp are behind the special unit/programme on earth. When the programme creator was informed that the name of the Unit was already used in a role playing game there was no further reference. The series begins to switch from the threat from without to the threats from within.

Attention turns to Ambassador Londo in Episode 29 - Soul Mates in which he brings his three wives to the station with the intention of divorcing two having gained special permission from the Home world because of his recent anti Narn activities. He announces his intention to the three women saying he will picks the one who serves his needs most. Two compete and one rejects all interest. When he finds himself the subject of an assassination plot he picks the indifferent saying- with you I will always know where I stand. Episode 30 is a climax preparing episode in returning to the role of Psi Corp who come to Babblon 5 to track down an escape line for those who have understood the black and sinister power of the force and want to leave. The episode reveals that Dr Franklin is the organiser of the underground and Sheridan and his team have to use their ingenuity to hide the fact from the investigator who returns to earth convinced that he uncovered and eliminated the ring without compromising the position of the space station. Talia Winters begins to question her loyalty to the Psi Corp

Episode 31 is the next key point in the series and overall story development - with The Coming of the Shadows is the name given to Series 2.

The Centauri head of state, already in failing health with not long to live, visits Babylon Five with the intention of making a public apology to G’Kar and the Narn people for their colonization and brutality. Unaware of this G’Kar decides it is his duty to try and kill the President knowing that it will mean the loss of his own life. As the Emperor dies from natural causes he reveals his intentions to Dr Franklin who relays them to G’Kar. Following the death, Londo’s contact with the homeworld, Refa, urges him to do something dramatic to enhance their respective positions in the battle for power unfolding.

Each of the three main Ambassadors. DeLenn Londo and G Kar have faithful assistants who over time have established a relationship in which they feel able to express caution and even opposition to a course being followed. When Londo orders his assistant Vir to set about contacting the Shadows through the human looking Mr Morden and to tell the home planet to send fighters within the vicinity of the largest Narn Colony in the area, Vir trembles at the implications and urges caution and reflection. When they visit the dying Emperor Londo pretends that he has been given a blessing for the attack on the Narns however he admits to Refa that what the President had said is that both of them are damned. Unusally Ambassador Kosh seeks a personal meeting with the dying President to warn him that the Centauri action will end in fire although the precise meaning opf this is left unknown.

When G’Kar learns of the Centauri/Shadows attack ontr he colony he becomes uncontrollable having been prepared to accept the olive branch communicated by Dr Franklin and he sets out to kill Londo, stopped by Sheridan who appeals to him help to save his people on the colony and reduce the casualties which have commenced to mount. In the same episode Garibaldi is concerned about the activities of someone who appears to be following him and when he arrests the individual the man reveals that he is part of a force called the Rangers who are working with former station Commander Sinclair. Sinclair who had established a close relationship with Garibaldi uses the Ranger to pass on a message to say that a great darkness is coming and that the Rangers whose presence should be secret from Sheridan and everyone else are there to find out what is happening and they do a deal to allow the force to operate in secret in exchange for information which could help keep the station secure.

At a meeting of the Council G’Kar announces that his people have declared war on Centauri following the unprovoked attack on their colony. G’Kar who had appeared cold and villainous now becomes noble and tragic while Londo who had seen a good time fellow and harmless has become ruthlessly ambitious, Stalin and Hitler rolled into one. The new Centauri President, a supporter of Refa and Londo is a megalomaniac and one of his first acts is to murder the Prime Minister, a responsible man of peace and honour.

Londo also has a dream which is to recur in which he is destroyed by illness and hate with his life ending as he and G’Kar strangle each other. The curse of his President is to haunt him. There is no turning back or preventing what is to come. London has opened Pandora’s box and for the moment Hope seems a distant possibility.

The third group of Myspace friends from K to N take the number to 463 with 92 departures identified


340 Kate Voegele added 2007

341 Kim added 2009

342 Klarita P Added May 2007

343 Kelly Osbourne moved from Miscel before May 2008

344 Kate Melua Added May 2007

345 Kim Novak nov dec 2008

346 Kirsty Harris Added May 2007

347 Ketz nov dec 2008

348 Kelv Before May Accepted

349 Kenneth autumn 2008

350 Karl nov dec 2008

351 Kathy Arts added 2008 Jan

352 Karl Brazil nov dec 2008

353 K D Lang added before August 2007

354 Kelly added before May 2007

Keith Richard Before May 2007 dep (74)

355 Keziah Added Before May 2007

356 Kelly nov dec 2008

357 Kim Leon Added Before May 2007

358 King Oliver Added mid 2007

359 Kadesha added 2009

KRY May 2007 dep ( 75)
Kurog Kag 15.6 2007 76

360 Karla added autumn 2008

361 Katie and the Questions added 2009

362Katherine Jenkins added 2009

363 Kadesha fans added 2009

364 Kevin Skinner added 2009


365 Lo added 2007

366 Lizette acceptedd 2007

367 Linnzi added before May 2007

368 Lady Backlight Before May 2007

Lena 18.6 2007 departed (77)

369 Lucid Windows added 2009

370 Love 146 2007

371 Lemon added 2009

372 Lady Haidee added before April 2008

373 Lindsay Swan autumn 2008

374 Lindy La F added before April 2008

375 Lois Marie nov dec 2008

376 Lucio Amanti accepted 20 July 2007

377 Leon Kid summer 2008

378 leJazzaffaire autumn 2008

379 Lil Lady Added Before May 2007

378 Lucio Amanti 2 accepted 20July 2007

379 Lucifuge accepted before May 2007

Luke added before may 2007 78

Lori 16.6 2007 added departed (79)

Loyla Skye added 200hune 2007 dep (80)

Louis Armstrong 1 Jul 2007 added dept (81)

380 Loud Jazz autumn 2008

Looks like autumn 2008 82

381 Laing Art Newcastle added Jan 2008

382 L Proctor. nov dec 2008

383 Lahiri added 2009

384 Ludwig von Beethoven Autumn 2008

385 Itk,itk added 2009

386 Last summer autumn 2008

Lord Byron nov dec 2008 83

387 Lady Summers added 2009

Le Velle autumn 2008 84

388 Lezarts d nov dec 2008

389Lumina added 2009

390 Lonely Lad London added 2009


391 Mike Gallegos added 2009

392 Mziah added 2009

393 Marc Brussard August 2007 accepted

394 Mia Hope added August 2007

395 Morrissey Before May 2007 added

396 Matt Wertz August 2008 accepted

397 Mary 4 Music added 2009

398 Marvin Sewell added 2009

399 Medieval Before May 2007 added

400 Mary Magdalene Before May 2007 added

Michelle during 2008 85

Marielle Before May 2007 added 86

401 Margot Mac Added February 2007 Top list

402 Magicfolk Before May 2007 added

403 Mortfiquez accepted August 2007

404 Meighan 2007 added

405 Michelle L Before May 2007 added

406 Michelle and midnight added 2009

407 Marco autumn 2008

408 Michelangel Antonioni autumn 2008

409 Monica Vitti autumn 2008

410 Mike Angel added 2009

411 Milla Gems added June 15 2007 SP

412 Marea Alta added 2009

413 Mariza added 2009

414 Myartspace summer 2008 top 40

415 Moon Doggey accepted Before May 2007

416 My Space UK accepted autumn 2007

417 Merick by April 2008

418 Motoriori Before May 2007 Accepted

419 Mark Slater added 2009

420 Maria Robin added 2009

421 Miss Sophie Lee autumn 2008

422 Mickey Nov accept 2007

423 Martel nov dec 2008

424 Mr Skin July 13 2007 Accepted

425 Marcel Proust nov dec 2008

426 Mairi added Jan 2008

427 Merlin Magic Before May 2007 Accepted

428 Marcia Ball Before May 2007 added

429 Manet added 2009

430 Mr E accepted autumn 2008

MyFox by April 2008 87

431 Marie Jeanne Before May 2007 Request

432 Mad Monk accepted summer 2008

433 Muddy Waters added 2009

434 Meech Wells added 2009

435 Myspace artists gallery summer 2008 Top 40

436 Malcolm S summer 2008

437 Ma Rainey Added Nov 2007

438 Megafon added 2009

439 Montana B accepted Jan Feb 2008

440 Mark Bruns accepted autumn 2007

441 Megan 2007

442 Matt 2998

Mark the 2008 88

443 Mordor nov dec 2008

Marie Sleka nov dec 2008 89

444 Mighty added 2009
445 Marina added 2009

446 Mr 937 Street

447 Music Promotions nov dec 2008

448 Somewhere top 40s from before 2007 April

Malice Before May 2007 request (90)
Maldaror Before May 2007 request ( 91)
Maria Before May 2007 request (92)
Marie Meier Before May 2007 request (93)
Melannie Before May 2007 Request (94)


449 Nina Simone Before May 2007 Request

450 Nelo added 2009

451 No Mad nov dec 2008

452 Neon animal Before May 2007 Accepted ?

453 Nervosa Before May 2007 Accepted

454 New Orleans autumn 2008

456 Norig nov dec 2008

457 Nigel nov dec 2008

459 New Earth autumn2007 accepted

460 Nalige added 2009

458 Nikkita Before May 2007 request

459 Natalie C nov dec 2008

460 Number 27 autumn 2007 accepted

461 Naid by April 2998

462 Night Owl added 2009

New Song accepted autumn 200 gone Jan 95